About Us

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OHD Museum is a private museum of modern and contemporary Indonesian art, founded and owned by the well-known art collector Dr. Oei Hong Djien (OHD).  He started his collection in 1970s. Currently, with Dr. Oei’s collection of more than 2000 artworks, ranging from paintings, sculptures, installations and new media art, OHD Museum provides a collection representing the essence of modern and contemporary Indonesian art. From time to time the museum exhibits an artist show. The OHD Museum aspires the young generations to appreciate, enjoy and preserve Indonesian art.

About dr. Oei Hong Djien

About dr OHD

Born 1939 in Magelang Indnesia, graduated as medical doctor 1964, and went to Holland for further specialization 1966-68. Inherited a tobacco company and became tobacco expert and business...


OHD Museum is a modern and contemporary art museum owned by dr Oei Hong Djien (OHD). As a well-known art collector, curator, honorary-advisor to Singapore Art Museum, dr Oei Hong Djien started his collections in early 1970s...

Mata Air Bangsa: Persembahan Untuk Gus Dur dan Buya Syafii Maarif

  Pameran Seni Rupa MATA AIR BANGSA Persembahan Untuk Gus Dur dan Buya Syafii...



By: M. Dwi Marianto, Heri Kris, dr. Oei Hong Djien