EXPLORING MODERN INDONESIAN ART - The Collection of dr. Oei Hong Djien

The OHD Museum at Jalan Jenggolo 14, Magelang is pleased to present the exhibition “Exploring Modern Indonesian Art” which will take place from August 8 to September 24, 2012. The exhibition displays a selection of modern paintings courteously loaned from the private collection of dr Oei Hong Djien. The exhibition’s curator, Eddy Soetriyono has carefully selected 58 paintings and 10 sculptures which best represent dr Oei Hong Djien’s collection of modern Indonesia art. All of the paintings have appeared in DR Helena Spanjaard’s book titled “Exploring Modern Indonesian Art: The Collection of dr. Oei Hong Djien”.
The exhibition includes works of old masters such as Affandi, Sudjojono, Hendra Gunawan, Trubus, Widayat,Lee Man Fong, Soedibio, Kartono Yudhokusumo,  Sudjana Kerton, Dullah, Sadali, Nashar, Fadjar Sidik, G. Sidharta Soegio, etc. as well as living artists such as Srihadi, AD Pirous, Jeihan, Edhi Sunarso, Nyoman Nuarta, Nyoman Gunarsa, Made Wianta, Ivan Sagito, Made Djirna, Heri Dono, Nasirun, Entang Wiharso, Rudi Mantofani, Nyoman Masriadi etc. The collection puts emphasis on quality and historical value of the artworks and hopes to present a snapshot on what truly represents modern Indonesian art. 
“Exploring Modern Indonesian Art” is organized by the OHD Museum following the premier exhibition of the “Five Maestros of Modern Indonesian Arts” that was held from April 5 to July 31, 2012. The OHD Museum is a modern and contemporary art museum founded by dr Oei Hong Djien (OHD). As a well-known art collector, curator, and advisor to National Art Gallery Singapore. dr Oei Hong Djien started his serious collection in the early 1980s. Currently in dr Oei Hong Djien’s collection, there are more than 2000 artworks, ranging from paintings, sculptures, installations, and new media from different time periods in Indonesia.